“The long-anticipated fourth entry in Carver’s Chaos Chronicles (after 1996’s The Infinite Sea) is space opera at its most agreeably and classically science fictional. . . .With such a large cast and a parallel plot involving a threat to Earth itself, character development is necessarily sketched broadly. Some may find the narrative overly stage-managed, but Carver skillfully rotates viewpoints and weaves the choreography directly into the plot. This installment is a cut above the earlier books and will be entirely accessible to any reader who appreciates high-powered stellar and n-dimensional physics blended with old-school space-faring.”
Or maybe that is the full review. I don’t get PW, so I guess I’ll find out when someone tells me. I tried to scope it out online, but couldn’t get to it.
But I can live with what we’ve got right here!
P.S. Over a thousand downloads of Strange Attractors in one day! I think I only posted here and on the above forum, but word virused out with amazing speed. Rob Sawyer posted a very nice notice on his blog. Don’t know where he first saw it, but thanks, Rob!
Scott Marlowe
Here’s my post to help keep things going:
John Joseph Adams
Looks like that is the whole review. It’s online here:
What are the current stats on downloads by format? I’m interested if the PDF heavy original skew has broadened significantly as the other formats got added.
wow, big congrats on the review and the download numbers!
Jeffrey A. Carver
Thanks, everyone. Scott, I appreciate your post. Dennis, I’ll probably post some updated stats soon, but the short version is that while the gap between PDF and other formats maybe closes a little over time, PDF remains by far the most popular download–especially if you add the two different PDFs I’ve posted. (One looks better on a desktop display; the other is tagged to make the text reflow properly to a small screen.) But even if you treat those as two different formats, they are the two leading choices.