Autographed Books Make Fine Gifts

I feel compelled to mention this every December, but usually I forget until it’s too late to do anyone any good. (I’d say it’s borderline, this year.) Anyway, if you’d like to buy a signed, personalized copy of one or more of my books for that special someone on your Christmas, Hanukah, Solstice, or New Year gift list…well, have I got a deal for you! The deal is, I’ll sell them to you! No extra charge for the autograph! I’m not like those Hollywood stars who sock you $20 for an autograph. Nope, I sock you $20 for a whole book. (Fine print disclaimer: most books are actually some price other than $20.)

Check it out at Just click on the Price List for the, you know, price list. I take checks, Paypal, and credit cards (via Paypal).

And…just in time not to arrive for Christmas, the paperback edition of Sunborn is due to be published December 29! But if you observe the Twelve Days of Christmas, you could still get a copy in time for that all-important 12th day. (You’ll have to buy from a bookstore, though. I doubt I’ll have copies in time to fill orders that soon.) If you like, you can look at the cover, read the blurbs, and even preorder on Amazon:

And if ebooks are more your style, check out my selection, with links to a variety of outlets, including options for multiformat, DRM-free editions.

Happy first week of December, everyone!

0 Responses

  1. Anonymous
    | Reply

    So would you sell someone a copy of Sarah Palin's book that you autographed? Ok obviously i'm kidding but I did pop by your site a week or two ago I did see her book being advertised on your site. I realize you don't have any control over what ads pop up at a given time, but it did make me chuckle.

    – Marco

  2. Jeffrey A. Carver
    | Reply

    There's an idea. If William Shatner can read Sarah Palin's book on TV, maybe I could sign copies and become famous that way!

    I wonder what content was on my blog that triggered her book being advertised here. Interesting…

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