The Reefs of Time—a Complete First Draft!

Great news! I’ve met my do-or-die goal of having the first draft of The Reefs of Time finished before Christmas Eve! Last night at around 3 a.m., I typed the fateful words:

To be continued in Book Six of The Chaos Chronicles

and heaved an enormous sigh of relief. Because that, of course, is another way of saying, The End! What a feeling. I’ve been working on this thing for a little over five years, and it’s just about caused me to lose all my remaining hair. But I feel really good about what I’ve got now (as a first draft!), and eagerly look forward to starting the rewrite in the new year. It’s a sprawling, complicated story, and I know there are pieces missing, and a lot of other sections that will be mercilessly cut, and a lot to be completely reworked. But that’s all stuff I know how to do. It was getting the basic story down that threatened to send me around the bend. For those who are counting, it’s just over 900 pages in manuscript, or somewhere around 220,000 words. (I think my writing group had a poll going on the final length, but I don’t know if anyone remembers who bet what.)

I hope my agent and publisher will be glad to hear this, as well! They’ve been incredibly patient, and all I can say is, If I could have done it faster, I would have.

Even a crashed car isn’t going to take this good feeling away.

Thank you, God, and thank you, everyone who has been waiting and periodically nudging.I think I’m going to enjoy a really good beer tonight, and focus on getting ready for Christmas.

11 Responses

  1. Daniel Kimmel
    | Reply

    Yes, yes, yes. Congratulations. May we both have new books out in 2014!

  2. Jeffrey A. Carver
    | Reply

    I'm rooting for you on that score, Dan. I'm shooting for having this monster rewritten in 2014. 🙂

  3. Cher
    | Reply

    Thank goodness! You're the only sci-fi author I read. Love your books!

  4. Jeffrey A. Carver
    | Reply

    Thanks, Cher! God bless you!

  5. Anonymous
    | Reply

    Awesome! Delighted to hear it!

  6. Will Lambirth
    | Reply

    Congrats Jeffrey. The Chaos Chronicles is responsible for keeping me reading in High School. Started with Neptune Crossing as a blind pick from the shelf when I was a Freshman. That was the only time I judged a book by its cover and I have never regretted it. That was 18 years ago. Have read the rest of the series as soon as they have come out. I am eagerly awaiting the next installment.

  7. Will Lambirth
    | Reply

    I know it's almost a year late. Just found this. I check back every so often to see about progress for The Chaos Chronicles series. They are the only books that kept me reading in high school. I've probably read and re-read and purchased the first 4 about 3 times over the last 15 years. Can't wait for this one to be finished. Keep up the good work Jeffrey. You are an amazing writter. I look forward to more in this series.

  8. Jeffrey A. Carver
    | Reply

    Will, that is really gratifying to hear. I really wish this new one were coming faster, but it's a resistant sucker. I'll get there, though.

  9. Charles Plumb
    | Reply

    Just finished Reading "Sunborn"and the afterword. Really Looking forward to "the Reefs of Time" thanks for a great movie in my head.

  10. expertpc2007
    | Reply

    Congrats on completing the first draft. Can you provide an idea of when it will be published since it has been two years since that accomplishment and your fans are eagerly awaiting it?

  11. Jeffrey A. Carver
    | Reply

    No, but when I do have a predicted date, I'll be sure to post it here!

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