Old Promos, New Promos

posted in: ebooks, specials 0

In case you’ve been sitting on a fence biting your nails, trying to decide whether to plunk down your hard-earned ninety-nine cents on a copy of my ebook Panglor during its Bookbub sale, you’ve got through tonight to make up your mind. Then the price goes back up, and there’ll be nothing I can do to help you, except pat your shoulder as you learn to live with your regret. But you don’t have to live with your regret. Just visit any of the major ebook stores, and be decisive! Join the other 2500 wooters suckers readers who have, er, joined in! (That’s a real number, by the way. It’s been a great promo!)

This doesn’t mean there are no good deals after tonight, though. In fact, those crazy folks at Kobobooks have another special going, 35% off on selected ebook titles for the next week. Lots of stuff on sale, including my Chaos Chronicles: Books 1-3 omnibus (which they’ve grouped with boxed sets, rather than science fiction). There are some cool looking books by some of my friends at Book View Cafe. For example: Chris Dolley, Chaz Brenchley, Judith Tarr, and Cat Kimbriel. (I apologize to anyone I missed.)

One week only!

Here, in case you’ve forgotten what it looks like. And because blog posts look better with pictures.

0 Responses

  1. Barb DeChant W.....
    | Reply

    Got it! Btw, Jeff, did you have a small sailboat when you were in HS? My brother Ken remembers you bringing it to the farm pulled by your bike, I suppose, to sail in the pond. Have no recollection of that! I only remember the boat that took us to Cedar Point!

  2. Jeffrey A. Carver
    | Reply

    Hi Barb! Yes, indeed. Believe it or not, I still have that little boat (made of styrofoam!), and used it for many years sailing here on the Charles River. Now it's gathering dust in our garage, because the sail fell apart. But when our kids were little, we took it onto a local pond a couple of times to row around. Its name is the QE3.

    I do have a vague memory of pulling it behind my bike out to your farm, now that you mention it. But I don't remember the pond at all! (Funny how porous memory can be.)

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