I’ve promised to give occasional updates on my progress with The Reefs of Time. If the average picture is worth a thousand words, this one’s worth 125,000 words. That’s how far I am into the major rewrite of the manuscript, which as you can see from this picture is a little more than halfway through the 240,000-word monster total. For comparison, Sunborn was about 140,000 words total.
In pages, I’m at around 620 of 1200. So, I’ve come a long way, and still have a ways to go. But I’ve gotten through some really thorny rewrite problems, and what’s behind me feels solid. I think it’s a good story! I’m making excellent progress now, better than I have in a long time. Pray for it to continue!
Richard Bowker
But . . . there are some subplots that need expansion in the third draft!
Oh dang, I forgot!
Trent Palmer
Hey Jeff. 1200 pages!!!!! I DO like long storys. What’s the ETP (sorry, the estimated time of publishing) on it?
Hi Trent. I’ll give an ETP when it’s all done. I’ve learned not to make predictions!
Rich, bite your tongue! Tell him to shorten and speed up!
Just stumbled across the Chaos Chronicles and read the first 4 books over the past few weeks. I am now looking forward to you threading your way to the completion of book 5. Thank you for an entertaining time.
Glad you liked it, Eric! (Them, I mean.)
Hi Jeffery any update on how the 2nd… maybe final draft is coming 😉 I just read the first 4 novels this weekend and really enjoyed them. Can hardly wait for the 5th.
Asko Seeba
Hi Jeff, wish you all the best! I have gone through the fist four books already a while ago, and every now and then googling you up to see if there has been any great news on the fifth book – see, how big fan of this series I am! If there are any ways I could beam you some mental energy to get this beast done, just let me know :).
Thanks! Every bit of encouragement helps. I’m making steady progress, but it’s a huge book.
I’ve been a fan of this series for many years and am very happy to hear that you are still writing on it. You’re my favorite sci-fi author and I have all 4 books (hardback) of the Chaos Chronicles proudly displayed on my bookshelf.
Can’t wait until I can add book 5 to my collection. 🙂
Thank you! I appreciate it!
Tom Middleton
This is an amazing series! i have read it, then re-read it, and read it yet again. The story gets better with every telling. We need more of Bandie, Charlie, Napoleon, Copernicus, Ik, Li-Jared, Antares, and yes, Julie Stone! What a wild ride the you have given us with the translator and the stones. Bring it on!
Jeffrey A. Carver
Thanks, Tom! I need more readers like you! Please go forth and tell everyone! 🙂
I’ll have another update soon. (No, not done, but steady progress.)