Reefs Print Edition Is Go for Launch!

Everything worked out for the print edition! Maya, who does my cover designs, came through for me from vacation and tweaked my cover so that both Kindle Digital Publishing (KDP) and Ingram Spark accepted it. There will be a trade paperback edition on sale next Tuesday! You can pre-order it right now!

The pricing is a little weird, though. Bear with me on this. I set different prices at Amazon and Ingram, because the profit margins are very different between the two places. At Amazon/KDP, I can make a decent profit on a sale at $20.99 for the print version. (That’s higher than I would like, but print-on-demand publishing is still more expensive than the old way.) At Ingram—which is the company that libraries and most bookstores would order from—I would make almost nothing at that price. So my Ingram price is $22.95. That still gives a pretty thin profit margin, but I can’t see going any higher.

That part’s a little weird, but here’s the really weird part: Amazon doesn’t allow pre-orders of their own version of a paper book, but they do allow pre-orders of the Ingram version! So the pre-order displays at $22.95. On launch day, I plan to release the Amazon version at $20.99—so on launch day or soon after, that price should go down. So you can pre-order today, but I have no idea whether you’ll get the Ingram edition at $22.95 or the KDP edition at $20.99! They should be pretty much the same, though they’ll come from different printing plants.

Anyway, as of now, everything is go for launch!

Edit: I forgot to add, I am planning a hardcover edition, but have had to delay it. I hope to get it up in a couple of weeks, but it’s dependent on when other people are free to help with the technical aspects.

Also, the paperback edition is a trade paperback (i.e., large format), 5.5″ x 8.5″, which is the same size as the planned hardcover.


2 Responses

  1. David Demien
    | Reply

    Will there be a hard cover edition printed? I would like to complete my collection properly, and a paperback just does not go well with four hardcover books.

    • Jeffrey A. Carver
      | Reply

      I meant to include that information. I am planning a hardcover edition, but have had to delay it. I hope to get it up in a couple of weeks, but it’s dependent on when other people are free to help with the technical aspects.

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