Hardcover Update

Reefs of Time hardcover layout

For those of you who have been waiting patiently for the hardcover edition of The Reefs of Time, it’s almost ready. I’m waiting for a seemingly endless review process at Ingram, the company that will be printing them. Once they approve it, I’ll get a proof printed to make sure everything is done right. When I approve it, then I can make it available.

Soon! I promise!

  1. David Bosboom
    | Reply

    Hello, my friend. I’ll be in NYC for three weeks starting on the 12th of September. Would love to get a hardcover copy from you with your signature!! And I’m not opposed to making the short hope from NYC to Boston either. Unless your plans take you to NY. 😉 I’ll send additional info via email to you, ok? Hope all is well. Write to you shortly.
    Tchau from Rio de Janeiro.

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