Now that I’ve flogged my own books (not to death, I hope!), I thought I’d make some other gift suggestions. Books, of course, but not mine. Have you read:
Richard Bowker’s Portal trilogy, about a young man making his way through life-and-death situations in the multiverse? Starts out YA, but as the characters grow up, so too does the tone of the books. Richard’s a fine writer, who deserves notice. Here’s the trilogy at Amazon, to get you started.
Craig Shaw Gardner’s Temporary Magic Series, a totally silly trilogy about Lenny and the magical temp agency he goes to work for, saving the world with the help of Bob the blue horse/pooka, among others. Craig, by the way, has started working on a new Ebenezum book, for those who love his wizard who’s allergic to magic. Here’s his Temporary Magic Series.
And if that isn’t enough, there’s a continually evolving panoply of fine writing at Book View Café, never to be missed!
Richard Bowker
Thanks, Jeff! And Happy Thanksgiving!