Real December Finally Here

We’re getting our first real snowstorm of the year, as I write this. We’re deep into the night right now, and it looks like maybe 4-6 inches have fallen so far. Maybe it’s time for this year’s pictures of our Christmas trees. Here’s the one in front of the house. You can’t really see it from this angle, but I cut off so many branches close to the house (squirrel on-ramps, they were) that from a profile it almost looks like a bas-relief of a pine tree. Still, it works!

Tree out front, blue lights

That strange purple aura isn’t visible to the naked eye. At first I thought it was an artifact of my camera, but now I’m thinking—maybe, just maybe—it’s dark matter. Or maybe dark energy, hard to be sure.

And here’s our indoor tree, a little different this year. We didn’t go out and get a tree. Or rather, we did but we just went to the back yard and brought in a branch I’d pruned off the big oak tree. With fire in the, er, fireplace.

Indoor Christmas tree and "fireplace"

Happy ChristmaHanuKwanStice, everyone!

5 Responses

  1. Frances B Giuffre
    | Reply

    Hi Jeff, Indoor tree is really pretty. Modern fireplace is a nice touch. I know about those off ramps. Good idea to detour the Rocket J. Squirrels out there. Merry Merry! Fran

  2. Crystal
    | Reply

    It all puts me in the mood. . . to stay warm snuggling under a blanket. It’s in the 60’s in California and that’s cold for us!!

  3. Jerry Honetor
    | Reply

    Chilly here too for Florida, 54 deg out there and it’s just noon! I found your books about a year ago and have been devouring them. Can hardly wait for “Shipworld Masters.”

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