A few weeks ago, I paid a parking ticket online, through my town’s website. The town thoughtfully sent me an email acknowledging receipt. It began, earnestly and sincerely, “Dear GENERIC CUSTOMER…”
I feel goosebumps just remembering the warmth of the reply, enhanced as it was, by modern software design.
What’s your favorite memory of deeply personal public service?
Our local PUD (public electric utility provider) moved their main offices to Sequim so they opened a small kiosk at a local grocery store. Then they closed that down and now the only option to pay “in-person” is at a little machine in the lobby of a gas station mini-mart and the user interface is horrible and totally counter intuitive. Boo.
Ouch. Sounds awful.
Michael Fay
Years ago, when I had a tech support contract for county offices in Upstate New York, I received a parking ticket in Ithaca, as I had to resort to a spot on the street, since the office lot was full.
I returned home and mailed the check. About 10 days later, the check was returned with a note thanking me for the prompt payment, which was forgiven. Apparently I was not on the frequent offender list, as my office at the time was about a 40 minute drive from there.
Jeffrey A. Carver
Wow. I hope you framed it!