Mission Unlikely: Writer’s Block

On another topic, I have sailed forth in the Mothership on a three-day mission to challenge writer’s block on its own turf. No, its turf isn’t here on the edge of Cape Cod; it’s in my head. But here I’m hoping for a more level playing field. No more worrying about tax returns, troublesome batteries in the cars, or any of that. Just me and creative difficulties, mano a mano. We’re going to start with “productive conversations” at the writing desk and see how that goes. If it comes to blows… well, let’s just hope it doesn’t.

Some people say writer’s block isn’t real. They only say that because they’ve never experienced it. Someday I may talk about various factors that lie behind my struggles to write over the last couple of years, but I think not today.

By the way, the photo above is an illustration of a misguided effort to protect the space around the entryway from predicted rain. The rain started around midnight. I poked my head out after a bit to see how things were. I found the awning sagging about a foot down in the middle, full of rainwater. I hastily lowered the corners to release the dam. SPLOOOOSH! Throughout the night, the unexpectedly gusty wind periodically whanged the awning up and down and sideways, soothing the sleeper inside. I wasn’t sure I was still going to have an awning by the time I was up today. But amazingly, it was okay. It is now rolled back in.

Below is a trio of Guardians of the Canal that I spotted while on a brief bike ride yesterday.

4 Responses

  1. Laurel S Oswalt
    | Reply

    I would love to read your Ponce stories all together!!! Enjoy the spring (When it finally gets here!!!)

    • Jeffrey A. Carver
      | Reply

      I actually did start pulling them together. But it’s going to take a while, mainly because of all the pictures!

  2. Paul Oravec
    | Reply

    What a beautiful setting. I have to wonder what Charlie would make of your location, and predicament… What piece of advice would he have, I wonder….
    Best wishes, may the creative floodgates open!!!

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