Upcoming World Science Fiction Convention—Glasgow, Scotland

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Yes, we’re going! Allysen and I have never been to Scotland and have always wanted to go. Our chance is upon us. This year’s SF Worldcon is in Glasgow, Aug. 8-12. We’re flying into Edinburgh, where we’ll spend about a week seeing what we can see. (And I’m sure there’s a lot.) Then we’ll hop a train to Glasgow and join our tribe at worldcon! We’re excited!

I am currently scheduled to be on one panel, one table conversation (formerly called kaffeeklatches), and an autograph session. Details to follow when things are finalized.

In what has sadly become a pattern, problems have arisen in the Hugo Awards balloting, this time from someone or someones trying to game the system by submitting ballots from “not natural” people, using obvious fake names and/or other disqualifying characteristics. The statement from the Hugo administrator explains the situation. (Sigh.)

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