Beyond Van Gogh, as Worldcon Ends

Today we watched our last panels, at least the ones we could get into (many were full). With Worldcon coming to a close, we turned our attention to another exhibition just down the concourse: Beyond Van Gogh Glasgow. It was an astonishing display, conveying Van Gogh’s masterpieces in an immersive visual experience. Paintings set to motion, images flowing and melding with each other, set to lovely music (I know not what). We were invited to sit on soft benches, or on the floor with beanbag cushions, and soak it in, as long as we liked. I’m going to put a few stills here. I did take some video, which we were invited to do, but I haven’t had a chance to look at any of it yet. It was an extraordinary meditative experience.

I think this, or one like it, showed in Boston a while back, but we missed it. No longer.

Tomorrow we hope to see a bit more of Glasgow, before setting our course to the west, and home.

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  1. Laurel S Oswalt
    | Reply

    Thanks for sharing your travels! Amazing! Love you both!! Laurie

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