Is it a time bomb? No? My heart? Could be, but no.
It sounds like an exceedingly slow watch movement. Tick…………… tick…………… Like my watch with a clear crystal on the back, where I can see the little wheel ticking the seconds. This is that, but slowed wayyyyy down in a demonstration of relativistic time dilation.
It’s the sound of my brain, working out the details of the book I sometimes call The Masters of Shipworld, but usually just the book. For a period I will call a very long time, I felt almost no forward movement. I was frozen in time, caught in the event horizon of a creative black hole. Sometimes I’ve thought of it as spinning my wheels. Sometimes I’ve thought of it as being lost in the wilderness. But now I think I have it. The watch movement of my subconscious has creaked into motion. Don’t stare at it, or it’ll stop; it only ticks when you’re not looking. Each tick is me snapping my fingers and going, “Yes! Of course!” as a new plot or character point suddenly comes into focus. It’s not always a big point. Usually it’s some little thing that makes me wonder why I didn’t think of it sooner. But they’re accumulating.
The gears are moving, even if you can’t see it happening.
Theodore V Davis
Yay! Currently re-reading the series. In Sunborn again, reading about Julie and the Translator first going into space. I have problems with my own writing at times, so I fully understand what you are saying. I am curious to find out if my own speculation about who is really running Shipworld prove out, or if you will really surprise us with something altogether new and exciting.
Jeffrey A. Carver
I hope I can surprise you!
David H Bosboom
I’m pleased, beyond measure, to read your email today.
This is fantastic news for all your fans but mostly for you.
Thank you for starting my day on a great positive note!
Jeffrey A. Carver
Oh, always glad to help when I can!
Fran Giuffre
Jeff, given your thoughtful writing process, I know Shipworld is going be another reading blockbuster. My brother (who does not do the Internets) asked me the other day if I heard anything about your progress. Now I can tell him you’re firmly in gear! No rush, of course!
Benjamin Kelly
Glad to hear you’re making progress. Safe to say we, your fans, will be ready to read when you get it released.