Pulmonary Fibrosis Update

I said I’d post from time to time on how I’m doing, health-wise. I guess it’s about that time. I just had my semi-annual visit with my pulmonologist, complete with the usual PFT (pulmonary function tests), to see how well my lungs are breathing. The answer is, almost as well as this time last year. I am reasonably stable, which with pulmonary fibrosis is the best outcome you can expect with the treatments now available.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little disappointed. The Chinese herbal treatment I’m on is reported to have helped several other PF patients get measurably better, and of course that’s what I wanted, as well. But I don’t know the details of the other patients.

My doc was pleased that I’m doing as well as I am. We discussed the Chinese herbs, and when I said the main definite benefit seems to be improved energy, she assessed that as a win and suggested I keep taking them. We talked about some new drugs coming along in clinical trials; there’s one she’s excited about, which offers the hope—no, not of a cure—but of real stability and the halt of decline. I said how soon, and she said it was being fast-tracked with two simultaneous trials, and if the tests prove out, it could be available in a year or two. Now I’m excited about it.

Now, if only they had something to keep me and my family from tripping over the damn oxygen hose all the time! What we exos have to put up with, carrying our own atmospheres around with us!

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2 Responses

  1. Laurel S Oswalt
    | Reply

    Glad to hear your news! Sounds positive!

  2. Fran Giuffre
    | Reply

    That’s good news, Jeff. I appreciate the update as I was wondering how you were doing with all your jet setting. I’m glad you continue to be a stable genius! Hoping you get to try one of the new drugs soon.

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