Boskone 2022

posted in: appearances, cons 0

It’s been two years since I’ve attended a live, in-the-flesh convention. This weekend I’ll be at Boskone, at Boston’s Westin Seaport District hotel, down on the waterfront. Covid rates have fallen dramatically in the area, thankfully. Still, the con requires proof of vaccination, plus masking up indoors, and I am totally onboard with that.

I’ll be moderating two panels on Friday, plus doing a joint reading with two other authors. On Saturday, I’ll be autographing, plus taking part in two more panels.

Here’s my schedule:

  • First Contact Scenarios (moderating) — 18 Feb 2022, Friday 4 p.m., Burroughs
  • Group Reading with Suzanne Palmer, Nathan Toronto, and moi — Friday 6 p.m., Griffin
  • Bridging the Great Divide: Indie and Trad Publishing (moderating) — Friday 8 p.m., Burroughs
  • Autographing — Saturday 2 p.m., Galleria
  • What’s At Stake? — Saturday 4 p.m., Marina I
  • The Future of Astronomy — Saturday 5 p.m., Marina I

If you’re attending Boskone, please stop and say hello!




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