The weather has turned promising, I’ve emerged from tax-return and financial-aid purgatory, and it’s time for a Spring Special! Things are moving more slowly than I had hoped on the Tor ebook front, so I’m taking matters into my own hands. For a limited time, I am making Sunborn available for free download in all major ebook formats! DRM-free, now and always. So come and get it. Tell your friends! Bring your girlfriend/boyfriend and your grandmother. Bring your dog.
How long is a “limited time”? I’m not sure, but when Tor gets its ebooks out the door and into the stores, I expect these will come down.
“You must write for children the same way you write for adults, only better.” —Maxim Gorky
Cool- thanks! Since I bought the hard cover, err cloth edition, I’ll add it to my eBook library 🙂
BTW…Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Thanks!! What a nice thing to do!
This is indeed very kind of you, sir.
Awesome! I *really* appreciate you making this book available that way.
Incidentally, I finished reading Sunborn (in dead-tree format, which I still have a preference for). The book itself was absolutely excellent. IMNSHO, it was a crying shame that no Hugo nomination was forthcoming for it.
That said, I am still looking forward to being able to read its sequel, The Reefs of Time. Can you give us any idea when that sequel will be coming out? Surely we don’t have to wait another seven or more years?!?! Pretty please???
… Duncan
Jeffrey A. Carver
Thanks, Duncan! I appreciate your Hugo “nomination,” even if yours is a lone voice crying in the wilderness. 🙂
No prediction on Reefs. Frankly, it’s giving me a really hard time right now. But I’ll get it.