Or should I call this the Puppy Chronicles? Little Shadowfox turns out to be a fast learner, and she’s already calmed down considerably and is well on the way to being house trained. She sits and stays (ish). She’s sleeping through the nights, and is getting used to her bungalow (crate). She’s becoming part of the family, and it looks more and more as though we’re going to be returning in April with a second dog. (The name Shadowfox is not official yet, but it seems to be sticking.)
One big project got done by a contractor—a new platform for the pump and pool filter—plus a bunch of small repairs by yours truly. A lot of other important projects are still on hold while we await workers. Until a few days ago, our daughter and her partner were here, enjoying the Ponce celebration of Carnival. They’ve gone back home, and now it’s the two of us and the dogs, until some friends arrive in another week or so.
I’ve begun writing again. Slowly and haltingly, but writing. In fact, in the last week, I’ve dreamt twice about writing (though not fiction). The dreams were so detailed that they involved the actual wording and editing of the text my dreaming self was working on. I’ve never experienced that before. I think my subconscious is beginning to stir.
Here’s a clip of Shadowfox in perpetual motion machine-mode, helping Allysen to water the plants. (If it asks you to sign in, just reload and click Watch on Youtube.)
And the two dogs learning to get out of the swimming pool.