More Flying Stories

posted in: Flying, quirky, technology 0

I love flying stories, don’t you? Not a day goes by that I don’t think about how much I’d like to get back to flying, if only I had the time and the money. Well, someday. Meanwhile, though, here are a couple of items that crossed my path recently.

Remember those personal flyers that populated science fiction for decades, and seemed inevitable that we would all own? George Jetson had one, why not us, right? Well, NASA is sponsoring research on it. Here’s a glimpse of our future Personal Air Vehicles.

Those personal aircraft, of course, will be very sedate and safe. (Heh-heh, we hope.) Here are a few videos and image collections of flying experiences that are anything but:

  • Video of an amazing landing of an F-15 in what any sane person would call an unflyable condition. Note: you need to get past the first couple of minutes before it really gets interesting at the end. Do watch it to the end. (Are we sure it wasn’t Starbuck flying this thing?)
  • Photos of planes landing at the old Kai Tak airport in Hong Kong
  • A very brief video of a 747 landing in a crosswind at Kai Tak
  • You want crosswind landings? Here are some Boeing test pilots landing 777s and 747s in high crosswind tests. I’ve lost track of the original email that had supporting details, but apparently they do these tests at an out of the way place in South America, where they not only get nasty crosswinds, but it won’t be so embarrassing if they bend some airplanes!

Now that’s flying.

“Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.” —David Lloyd George

Catching Up with Interesting Science/Tech Stories

posted in: science, technology 0

While I was finishing work on Sunborn, I saved up a bunch of links to interesting new developments in science and whatnot. Time to send some your way before I lose them.

  • Astronomers have discovered dark caves, or holes in Mars! They might be a place where life could be lurking, sheltered from the sun.
  • In one of the more breathtaking views I’ve seen lately, Saturn was caught emerging from behind the Moon. It looks like a close neighbor, but really it’s over a billion kilometers away.
  • In a series of amazing images of another kind, artist Chris Jordan shows us profound views of what our consumption of products, as a society, really looks like. It’s called Running the Numbers.
  • Finally, from New Scientist, a couple more news items caught my attention: a new theoretical approach to teleportation (no, I can’t say I understand it, but…), and a new dino discovery, Gigantoraptor, a feathered dino big enough to face off with a T-Rex.

“Fame usually comes to those who are thinking about something else.” —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

The (High School) Graduate

posted in: personal news 0

Last weekend, my daughter Lexi graduated from high school! Huzzah!

In all the last year of getting ready to send her off to college, it only very recently hit me that she was about to be a high school graduate. Wow—when I thought about that, somehow it seemed more profound and life-changing than merely (!) heading off to college! To celebrate, we took her out and got her a new laptop computer, which—by the time she leaves for college in August—she will have configured to her taste. (It’s also given me my first glimpse of Windows Vista, which at first glimpse doesn’t look all that different from Windows in Days of Yore.)

You go, girl!

(While her sister follows quietly at a distance, plotting her own course into the future….)

Sunborn Finished! Again!

I know it’s been a long time since my last post. That’s because I’ve been dug in, finishing the final (I hope!) editorial revisions on Sunborn, my new novel, due out from Tor Books in about a year. Man, what a bear this has been. I turned in the “final” draft about six months ago—except that it turned out not to be the final draft. My editor asked for a lot of work on the first hundred pages or so; he thought it started too slowly. Maybe he was right; I don’t know, I can’t tell anymore. But I did the work, and came up with a new version that we’re both happy with. While I was at it, I went through his comments on the rest of the book, and took the opportunity to streamline and tighten, with the benefit of having been away from it a few months. (And yes, this is Book 4 of The Chaos Chronicles, but you will be able to read it as a standalone if you haven’t read the first three.)

Anyway, as of today, it’s back in my editor’s hands. I printed out a clean copy (614 manuscript pages) for myself, just a short time ago. And I am going to take it easy for a little while. Maybe do some reading. Maybe write some blog entries. Who knows?

I have a bunch of other things to say, but right now I’m too tired!

Take care, and see you later!

“It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist.”
—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

More Cool Science

posted in: quirky, science, technology 0

New Scientist has a bunch of interesting mini-articles in today’s newsletter. And if you follow these links, you’ll see a lot of other interesting articles listed in the sidebars. Take a few minutes to browse; there’s some cool stuff.

Here’s a sampling:

Here’s one that’s more sobering than cool, but it deserves reading: Taking stock of Earth’s dwindling mineral wealth. (This one you can only read a partial of unless you’re a subscriber, but the partial is pretty interesting in itself.)

“Always listen to experts. They’ll tell you what can’t be done, and why. Then do it.”
—Robert A. Heinlein

Great Time at Bread Loaf

posted in: personal news, writing 0

I returned a few days ago from the New England Young Writers Conference at the Bread Loaf campus of Middlebury College, in Vermont. It was a wonderful experience, just as it was last year. Approximately 200 high school students and home school students were in attendance, with something like 20 professional writers there as workshop leaders. Among them, I was the one SF guy (though the conference director has written fantasy); there was also a mystery writer, several YA authors, a slew of poets, and some nonfiction people. The kids were amazing. I once more was blown away by the quality and originality and daring of their work. When I was in high school, I was nowhere near their level. Plus, they were a pleasure to work with, and genuinely supportive of each other.

The writers were a great bunch to hang out with, as well. During one of the readings, I was sitting there surrounded by new friends, and thinking what a blessing it was to spend time with such interesting people. Some were folks I’d met last year, and some were new friends. I like getting together with SF people, but this was different; it was warmer somehow, maybe a little less competitive, because there was so much cross-fertilization and we all have our areas of specialty. Several of us were wishing we could all have stayed on another week, just writing and hanging out during meals and after hours.

Why not check out the web sites of some of the folks I spent time with:

Better yet, try their books:

A room without books is like a body without a soul. —Cicero

Extragalactic Dark Matter Ring

posted in: science, space, writing 0

Okay, just one more entry before I head off! This image of a 2.6-million light-year-wide ring of dark matter, surrounding a cluster of galaxies, is too incredible to pass up.

To see a gorgeous, full-sized image of it, look to Astronomy Picture of the Day.

For further explanation, read the news report at One thing they don’t say there that they do say on the APOD page is that the large blue ring is a digital modeling that has been superimposed over the Hubble image. I’m a little puzzled at the discrepancy there, and am not sure at this point whether the blue cloud is entirely a false-color representation or not. It must be, though, because the thing about dark matter is that it’s, well, dark. You can’t see it. (Except in a scene late in my novel Sunborn, but that’s another matter.)

To get a better grasp of the science behind the conclusion, check out this short Hubblecast video, which describes the gravitational lensing effect that actually supports the thesis that this really is dark matter being depicted and not just some camera artifact.


In a complete change of subject, I’ll just note the passing of Jerry Falwell, who probably did more to promote the cause of bigotry and intolerance in our society than just about anyone claiming (in a chillingly distorted way) the banner of Christianity. I don’t wish him ill; but I do hope he’s seeing things a little differently now.

“To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts—such is the duty of the artist.”
—Robert A. Schumann

One More Thing

(As Lt. Columbo would say.) This will probably be my last entry before heading off to the N.E. Young Writers Conference at Breadloaf. One of the things I’ve been doing in preparation is adding to a list I’ve sort of been maintaining of quotes by writers, so that I can pass out some of the best ones to the students. There are quite a few of them. So I thought, why not share them with you? If I sign off every blog entry with one, I’ve easily got a year’s worth.

By the way, did you all hear that Ray Bradbury was recently awarded a special citation by the Pulitzer Prize Committee, for his lifetime of contribution to literature? I think that’s pretty cool, and well deserved.

See you all after the conference!

I’m going to leave you with a link to another cute video: sea otters holding hands.

“Storytelling is how we survive…. That’s how we learn from each other, it’s the best way. That’s why literature is so important; it connects us, heart to heart.” —Alice Walker

Writing/Chaos Chronicles Update

As I’ve mentioned before (but for the benefit of any new readers who may have found us here), I’m doing final revisions now on Sunborn, the long-delayed fourth novel in the Chaos Chronicles series. I think I’ve got the hardest part done—which was redoing the first half dozen chapters for improved pacing, etc., per my editor’s request. I hope I can wrap up the rest of the edits in the next few weeks, and have the book in the pipeline for publication next spring.

When I was at the Nebula Awards event last weekend (see entry below), I heard a great quote. Well, great from an ironic point of view, anyway. Author D.G. Compton (The Unsleeping Eye) related the quote, but it actually came from the late Edgar Pangborn (Davy), whose agent said to him, on the occasion of a disappointing royalty statement: “You’ll never make much money writing books like that. But the very best people will come to your funeral.”

Compton, with a wry smile, looked out over the roomful of SF writers and said, “It looks like all the best people are here. What do you suppose that means?”

Interesting Things Afoot for the Future

posted in: personal news, writing 0

A couple of opportunities have recently come my way, both involving travel:

A long-planned family trip to Ohio is now going to include a book signing—on July 4th, in Sandusky, Ohio. We’re going to be there visiting relatives and taking a young niece and nephew to the great Cedar Point amusement park. The book signing is a new addition to the plans, and will take place at the Kalahari Resort, which apparently boasts one of the country’s largest indoor water parks. So if you’re going to be near Sandusky on July 4th, stop by!

Less than two weeks later, I’m scheduled to wing my way to Laramie, Wyoming, to attend the Launchpad Astronomy Workshop—a NASA-sponsored, week-long program intended to give some intensive astronomy experience to a selection of writers. Here’s part of the mission statement of the workshop: “Our primary goal is to teach writers of all types about modern science, specifically astronomy, and in turn reach their audiences. We hope to both educate the public and reach the next generation of scientists.” It’s funded by NASA as a part of their education and outreach program. Cool! (I’ll be reporting on that in due course.)

And, of course, I leave in just a couple of days now for Breadloaf, Vermont. (More on that below.)

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