I was just sitting down to write an update—really to let everyone know that my own family is safe and well following the Boston Marathon bombing and the following manhunt, just a few miles from my house—when I saw on the TV, “Suspect in custody.” Well done and thanks, Boston area police! What a tremendous, professional job. As I write this, we still don’t know any of the details, just that they took the suspect alive, a nineteen-year-old kid who somehow got drawn into being part of this atrocity of terrorism and murder. And we still have the unanswered question: Were the two brothers acting alone? The story is far from over, but God willing, the day of fear has come to an end.
Shock and Grief at the Boston Marathon
I was miles from the finish line of the Boston Marathon when the bombs exploded yesterday. Busy with mundane tasks, I didn’t hear much about what had happened until hours later, when I started getting text messages from out of state, people checking to see if my family and I were all right. (We are.) When I finally got caught up, I realized I was learning about something just a few miles away that was breaking news around the world. Unlike September 11, 2001, when I saw the TV images minutes after the attack, this came to me as a slow-building shock. I think it’s still building.
Are my loved ones okay? Thankfully, yes. A number of people where Allysen works were running in the marathon. They’re all okay. The soon-to-be-incoming pastor at our church was running. He’s okay. The son and daughter of someone I know made a last-minute decision not to go see the finish of the race. To the best of my knowledge, no one I know personally, or even second-hand, was physically harmed in the attack.
Emotionally is another matter. People are sad and shaky and angry and depressed. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families whose lives are shattered. I find myself wondering what kind of vicious and demonized thinking can lead someone to murder and maim innocent strangers, and presumably rejoice in it. (Yes, I know, this sort of thing goes on every day, somewhere in the world. But this time it happened in my city.) I don’t propose to answer the question, because I have no answers. It’s been going on for thousands of years. But only in the recent past has it become so easy to commit acts like this with relative impunity.
I’ve never gotten personally involved in the running of the marathon, despite knowing some people who have participated. But to me, the marathon is like the Olympics: it’s a place where people from all over the world come together to compete as friends and equals. It’s a stage that brings out the best in us as people. A stage where money doesn’t matter, nationality doesn’t matter, religion and politics don’t matter. It’s a time for coming together, and celebrating the winners and almost-winners alike.
Was that why the marathon became a target? Because it celebrated the best? Because there are those who don’t like celebration, don’t like seeing people of all nations and colors running together? I don’t suppose we’ll ever know for sure. But I’m pretty sure of this: It wasn’t an attack just on America; it was an attack on humanity.
Here’s a photo posted to Facebook by Canadian astronaut Col. Chris Hadfield, from the International Space Station, titled A somber Spring night in Boston.
One online response to the photo was this: “Can you see our broken hearts from space?”
Another Loss: Film Critic Roger Ebert, at 70
I’ve never been a regular reader of the Chicago Sun-Times, but when it comes to checking reviews of movies I might be interested in (especially movies that show up on cable), the first reviewer I check is always Roger Ebert. I’ve trusted his reviewer’s eye and sensibility ever since I first encountered him with Gene Siskel, on Sneak Previews, on PBS. He died yesterday at age 70, after a long struggle with cancer. The Sun-Times has a detailed obituary, and Blastr has one that focuses more on his interest in science fiction. He was a lifelong SF fan, as well as a perceptive reviewer of movies of all genres.
Along with millions of other moviegoers, I’m sure, I mourn his passing. But I’m grateful for the legacy he’s left us of intelligent, compassionate, critical thought about the movies. I’ll keep checking for his reviews as long as they leave them up on the web.
Hugh Howey on Self Publishing
By now, most people interested in books and publishing have heard of Hugh Howey, a self-published SF writer whose eighth (I think) book Wool hit gold and became a runaway bestseller in ebook. It made a millionaire of the author, and led in the course of time to an extraordinary print contract with a major New York publisher, in which the publisher offered a large six-figure advance for print rights only, allowing the author to continue to mine his own ebook rights to the tune of six figures monthly.
[Deep breath, and expel the envy. All together, now…]
Anyway, Hugh Howey writes on Salon.com about his views of traditional versus self-publishing. It’s pretty interesting, although I don’t necessarily agree with everything he says. (For one thing, he doesn’t mention the role that traditional publishers play in helping writers, especially new writers, improve their craft and produce better books. Some say that that role is diminishing these days, but I think it really depends on the publisher and the editor.) Still, it’s hard to argue with Howey’s success.
I write this as I’m taking a break from working on my taxes, wherein I discover that I sort of seriously underestimated the effect my own improved ebook sales would have on my tax bottom line. Ow. I’m not remotely in the same universe as Howey, sales-wise. Nevertheless, last year was one of the best years I’ve had in my modest career in terms of book income, and it was all from my backlist. The paradigms, they are a-shiftin’.
Happy Easter, Everyone!
Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful Easter, if you celebrate it, and a happy and peaceful Sunday regardless!
Captain Kirk and the Gorn, At It Again
In this promo for a Star Trek video game, William Shatner and his old friend the Gorn (from the Classic Trek episode “The Arena”) mix it up in Shatner’s living room. I’ve always had a soft spot for the Gorn. It’s good to see him back.
More Live Audiobooks!
Once again, I was surprised to discover that more of my books are up on Audible.com! Five Star Rigger books were released in February. That’s Panglor, Dragons in the Stars, Dragon Rigger, Star Rigger’s Way, and Seas of Ernathe—all of the Star Rigger books except Eternity’s End.
You can see the lot of them on my author page, or go straight to the individual titles. I’m still working with the Audible people to get the descriptions corrected (Panglor has the wrong plot description altogether), and not all of the sample buttons are working. But the books are all available. They’re also for sale in the iTunes store.
The titles that went up in October are all listed now as being enabled for “Whispersync for voice,” which means if you have a Kindle edition you can switch back and forth between reading the ebook and listening to the audiobook without losing your place.
Panglor audiobook |
Dragons in the Stars audiobook |
Dragon Rigger audiobook |
Star Rigger’s Way audiobook |
Seas of Ernathe audiobook |
Asleep in a Heap
Pausing for Breath
I’ve been back home for about a week now, but Allysen and Julia are still in Ponce, packing and seeing to the adoption of puppies. It turns out all the reliable rescue groups in Puerto Rico were already overwhelmed with abandoned dogs, and the shelter in Ponce was having an outbreak of parvovirus. So we got the puppies vaccinated ourselves, and a friend of Allysen’s mom helped us find some new homes. Three of the seven have been placed, and homes lined up for at least three more. The puppies are wonderful, but what a job!
Here’s the one we call Foremost. (Hindmost was the last to leave the crate; Foremost was first.)
Meanwhile, the labor of packing continues. Allysen’s mom has a lot of books, and a lot of art, and a lot of fine things like shells and geodes and brass pieces of various kinds. Somewhere around thirty cartons of books, home movies, DVDs, CDs, etc., have been making their way to our house via media mail, and now that I’m home I need to get back to work building additional shelves in the basement. (Mind you, this is after giving away or selling a huge amount there in Ponce.) Some of this stuff will go to Fay’s new place, of course. But I have a feeling at least half is going to be here for the long haul. So I guess I’d better hook up that dehumidifier that’s sitting down there doing nothing.
I got back just in time a) for a foot of snow to land on us, and b) to attend Arlington Robbins Library’s “Books in Bloom” event, an annual fundraiser that combines having a small army of local authors sitting at tables with their books, with a series of amazing book-themed floral arrangements. It was an enjoyable event, though it drove home to me what a small proportion of the overall reading audience actually reads science fiction. Or at least the audience that attends events like that. I did get to chat with the new library director, and talk to him some about ebooks and libraries, and how groups like Book View Café are trying to break down the barriers to easy access to ebooks for libraries.
Toward the end of the event, I was mumbling that I hoped I’d sell at least one book, to pay for the glass of wine I’d bought. Less than two minutes later, someone came along and bought a paperback—just enough to pay for the glass of wine! Perfect.
Will You Adopt an Adorable Puppy?
I’ve been in Puerto Rico for the last week, working away at the Herculean task of packing up Allysen’s mother’s house for her move to the Boston area. A couple of evenings ago, her dogs Diego and Sixta ran howling up to the gate to see what insidious deed was afoot. It turns out their instincts were spot on. A family of—I can only call them lowlifes—had just dropped a litter of seven puppies in front of our house and hightailed it down the hill. (Allysen got there in time to see them and ran after them yelling, but they fled. We are the last house at the top of a hillside road, and for years, people have been abandoning animals at our gate.)
We really needed this, while trying to pack up a lifetime of books, papers, artwork, and other possessions. But like it or not, the puppies were suddenly in our hands. And so now, we have fed them and bathed them (they were crawling with fleas), and have been trying to find a local rescue group who can take them. If we don’t hear from Save a Sato or one of the other groups by tomorrow, we’ll take them to the Ponce Animal Rescue and hope for the best. We could bring a couple of them back to the States, if we knew there were homes waiting for them. So how about it? Would you like to take in a heartstoppingly lovable puppy?
You can see six of the seven in this picture. In back is an adorable one I immediately named the Hindmost, a reference that any reader of Larry Niven’s stories will recognize.