Getting Back in the Groove

Wow. It’s been too long since I’ve posted–about two weeks. I’ve been caught up in work deadlines (editing–which involves some writing, but not my writing). That’s now behind me for a while, so I’m getting back to work on Sunborn, … Read More

Vanity Press Sting

Have you ever wondered just how honest vanity presses are? Well, one of them just showed its stripes to the world. Read about their hilarious comeuppance at (Thirty writers got together and submitted the worst manuscript they could come … Read More

Questions on Writing #1

I hear from a lot of aspiring writers, asking about careers in writing. One correspondent wrote me recently, expressing a great desire to write and to succeed in publishing, and asking what one might expect to earn as a published … Read More

Yow! You go, girl!

My daughter Lexi broke the gender gap yesterday evening by defeating her (male) opponent 13-9 in a hard-fought six-minute wrestling match, in a dual meet with Reading, Mass. She’s been part of the Arlington High School wrestling team for two … Read More

Recovering from an intense weekend

posted in: personal news 2

Oy. I haven’t posted, or even really been online much, the last few days. We had major renovations to finish on our rental apartment (half of our two-family house), so that new tenants could get moved in. That kept us … Read More

Putting Out the Cat

posted in: personal news 4

This expression came to me from my Uncle John Sherrick, rest his soul, who, besides being one of the wisest and kindest men I ever knew, had a wonderfully droll sense of humor. I don’t know the origin of the … Read More

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