Last Saturday, I made my first in-person appearance since the pandemic at Boston’s Boskone convention. It was brief but enjoyable. I moderated a panel on “Hopeful Futures in SF,” which is something I feel we need more of; and I moderated a panel on “Writing and Structuring Long Series,” which is something about which I feel more writers should finish what they start. Ahem. Both panels were lively, with good input from my fellow panelists. I also talked to a fellow writer who told me he’d made extensive use of my online writing guide when teaching writing to high school students. This totally made my day.
Tomorrow I’m off once more to Puerto Rico, because we need to get going again on The Ponce Chronicles, or something like that. Also, I miss my wife and my dog. One of my daughters is already there, and the other one just landed in Ecuador. Doesn’t anyone stay home anymore? I guess not. I’ll be back in touch when there’s something to report in the next episode of the hit webcast, The Ponce Chronicles. (Cue rousing theme by John Williams.)
Worldcon has been a dizzying whirlwind, and I don’t just mean the wind-and-rain-swept tarmac between our hotel and the exhibition center! There’s been a lot going on, starting with a table talk and then a well-attended and -received panel called “Lost Wonders of Science Fiction.” The original title was “Dead-Ends of Science Fiction,” because it was about common tropes (psi, flying cars, personal spaceships, rugged individualists farmsteading the planets, etc.) that were once common but have largely fallen by the wayside. I hinted to the program committee that a more enticing title might be “Lost Wonders,” and they agreed. It was lots of fun, and many people came forward to accept Reefs of Time beer coasters from me at the end.
We put a good deal of energy into finding our way around a particularly incomprehensible building layout, thwarted by nearly nonexistent signage and the con’s decision not to print paper maps, instead telling us to use downloaded maps on our phones. (In fairness, the online maps undoubtedly provided by the exhibition center weren’t much help even when printed out.) Despite this, positive energy abounds, and everyone seems to be having a good time. I have worried in the past about the aging of the SF readership, but here there’s an excellent turnout of younger fans. At the same time, I’m noticing the absence of many of the older writers I used to see routinely at cons.
Interstellar the movie: When I saw it, I didn’t really notice that much of the score was organ music, played in fact on a great pipe organ in a church! I learned this when organist Roger Sayer—a bona-fide church organist, who helped compose and performed the music for the film—gave a presentation, an organ concert that featured some space-oriented classical pieces, plus a compressed version of the Interstellar score. I’m not ordinarily the biggest fan of organ music, but this was pretty amazing.
Speaking of amazing, I’ve just come from a wonderful concert by the Worldcon Philharmonic Orchestra, which sounds like maybe a fan orchestra, but actually was a genuine philharmonic drawing on musicians from a variety of Scottish symphony and session orchestras. It was all SF and fantasy-oriented pieces, ranging from “Tam O’Shanter” to “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” to “Saturn” from The Planets to Star Trek and Star Wars medleys. It was fantastic!
The most surprising moment came when I walked past a panel in the art show, looking at some lovely cover paintings for Aliette de Bodard’s books. I asked the man standing there if he was the artist, Maurizio Manzieri. He said yes, and then he looked at my name badge and exclaimed, “You’re Jeffrey A. Carver!” I laughed and asked if my name was familiar to him. “Of course!” he said. “I painted the cover to La stella che cambiò [the Italian edition of From a Changeling Star]!” I gaped in astonishment. That was back in 1990, and I’m not sure I ever knew who the cover artist was. But he remembered it at once! At that moment, my daughter walked up, and she snapped this picture of us. Edit: Well it turns out (see comments section below) that Maurizio didn’t paint that cover, after all. But he did recognize my name when he saw it, and thought he’d painted something for me. That’s almost as good.
This weekend, science fiction and fantasy fans are gathered for Chicon 8, the 80th annual World Science Fiction Convention, held this year in Chicago. I am participating in a number of panels and similar things, but I am reaching out from home, limiting myself to the virtual portion of the con. There’s actually a pretty impressive virtual portion!
I’ve already been on one panel, Thursday morning: “Cats in Science Fiction and Fantasy,” which was quite enjoyable.
Friday at 2 p.m. Eastern time, I’ll be part of a panel called “Let Me Tell You About the Very Alien: They Are Different from You and Me.”
Saturday at 8 p.m. Eastern time, I’m on a panel called “Claiming Your Online Real Estate: Socials, BookBub, and Beyond.”
Sunday at 5 p.m. Eastern time, I’m joining a panel called “The Glories of the Tie-In Novel.”
Sunday at 6:30 Eastern time, I’ve got a Virtual Table Talk, which is like a kaffeeklatch or literary beer, except without the beverage and without the table. A chance for a small group of fans or the simply curious to sign up to hang out and chat with me for an hour.
It’s nicely spread out, and I look forward to meeting new people and saying hi to old friends, even if virtually. On Sunday evening, the Hugo Awards ceremony will take place, which many people consider the highlight of the con.
If you’re attending, please come join me at any of the above events!
If you happen to be in the vicinity of West Lebanon, New Hampshire this Saturday, come visit the Upper Valley Comic Expo between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. You’ll find me there as one of the featured authors, along with some of my colleagues, including V.S. Holmes and Jennifer Anne Gordon, fellow members of the Creative Edge publicity group. Also featured is actress Gigi Edgley, of Farscape fame (she played the mischievous Chiana).
This is more of a book/author/artist/actor fair than a con like the ones I usually go to. (No panels, for example.) It might actually be a better opportunity to meet and chat with authors; I think it will be very relaxing and low key. Also, it’s only $5 admission, and it’s a benefit for Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. Brought to you by Sci-fi Saturday Night! Come say hi, and pick up some autographed books while you’re there!
Here we are, in beautiful New Zealand for worldcon! Except, of course, we’re not really, because coronavirus. We’re sitting in our dining room in front of our computers. Virtually, though, we are here! Havin’ a good time—especially when we can navigate the befuddlingly complicated login procedure to get where we’re going. (The price, I guess of running a con on multiple virtual platforms.) We’re learning a new app: Discord. We’re also learning to radically convert time-zones. New Zealand time is 16 hours ahead of us, which means that most of the time, they’re already in tomorrow, while we’re still in today.
Today (my time) was the second day of programming, and I have already been on two of the three panels that I’m participating in, via Zoom. The first was “Staying Closer to Home: Science Fiction in the Solar System,” which I know a little bit about. Just enough to get me into trouble. It was a good panel! The second was “Writers on Writing: The Plot’s the Thing,” which was about, um, plot and character and motivation and story structure, and all that good stuff. It, too, was a good panel! I’ve got one more—on Saturday, America-time—called “Ghosts in the Ships: Sentient Ships in SF and Fantasy.” I hope that one will be good, too. And I’d better do a little research on the subject before showtime.
Wish you could all be here in New Zealand with us! (If you’re sitting at home on your computer, you’re already halfway there.)
I’ve been attending this year’s Nebula Conference this weekend—live, via Zoom. Were it not for the coronavirus, I would be attending it in Los Angeles. Instead, some hundreds of sf and fantasy writers are gathered from their homes all over the globe, attending interesting panels, chatting, attending a dance party hosted by John Scalzi, and—just a little while ago—watching on YouTube the awarding of the annual Nebula, Norton, and Bradbury Awards. It’s been surprisingly rewarding, and the technical folk of SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America), volunteers all, have done an amazing job of putting on a conference in virtual space! (I was surprised to see my own name in the credits at the end, as chair of rules committee. That’s true, but trust me, all the credit for running this show goes to others.)
Added bonus: We even gathered in the virtual grand ballroom to watch the hugely successful SpaceX Dragon launch, to thunderous applause. Panels continue tomorrow. Great conference, cheapest room rates ever.
Congratulations to all of the award-winners:
Novel ✬ A Song for a New Day, Sarah Pinsker (Berkley)
Novella ✬ This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone (Saga; Jo Fletcher)
Novelette ✬ Carpe Glitter, Cat Rambo (Meerkat)
Short Story ✬ “Give the Family My Love”, A.T. Greenblatt (Clarkesworld Magazine 2/19)
Ray Bradbury Nebula Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation ✬ Good Omens: “Hard Times”, Neil Gaiman (Amazon Studios/BBC Studios)
Andre Norton Nebula Award for Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction ✬ Riverland, Fran Wilde (Amulet)
Best Game Writing ✬ The Outer Worlds, Leonard Boyarsky, Kate Dollarhyde, Paul Kirsch, Chris L’Etoile, Daniel McPhee, Carrie Patel, Nitai Poddar, Marc Soskin, Megan Starks (Obsidian Entertainment)
Additional awards and honors presented that evening included the SFWA Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award, presented to Lois McMaster Bujold, the Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award, presented to both John Picacio and David Gaughran, and the Kevin J. O’Donnell, Jr., Service to SFWA Award, presented to Julia Rios*.
*Before she became famous, Julia was one of our star students at the Ultimate SF Writing Workshop. Girl has gone places.
This weekend, Boston’s long-running Boskone science fiction convention, will be running in the Westin Hotel on the waterfront—same location as Arisia, a month ago. Where Arisia was somewhat media oriented, Boskone is more focused on the literary end of science fiction. It also usually boasts one of the best art shows among SF cons.
I’ll be there Friday evening, Saturday, and for a little while on Sunday. If you see me, stop and say hello! I’ll also be selling autographed books during the Boskone Book Party, Saturday evening. Come buy some books! (Or just say hello.)
I’ll be attending my first Philcon this weekend. By all accounts, it’s a great convention. I look forward to seeing friends, making friends, and taking a little time to myself for the trip. I’ll be autographing Saturday, and moderating several panels. Here’s my schedule. Please say hi if you see me!
Saturday, November 9
11:00am — Autographs: Daniel Kimmel, Jeffrey Carver, Keith R.A. DeCandido
Thursday I shove off for Atlanta and Dragon Con! This is my first time attending any of the huge media cons. Not entirely sure what I’ve let myself in for. I am given to understand that the SF literary tracks are well attended, but account for a mere sliver of the total programming.
Friday at 2:30, I’ll be moderating a panel on Anthologies and Why We Love Them.
Friday evening at 8:00, I’ll be joining throngs for the Fantasy Gather. I’ll have a table, where I’ll try to lighten my very heavy suitcase full of copies of Reefs.
Saturday evening I’ll join a different throng, for Dragon Con night at the Georgia Aquarium!
Sunday at 1 p.m., I’ll be participating on a panel called “Dragons of Science, Dragons of Fantasy.”
I’ll also be meeting up with two stalwart members of my street team, the Starstream Troupers! And with at least a few writer friends, I hope.
If you’re there, please say hi. You won’t find me listed in the program among participants, because I’m such a late entry. But I’ll be the guy wearing T-shirts like sandwich boards: one with Reefs on one side, and Crucible on the other. Or one with dragons all around. Dragon riggers!
I’ll be at Boskone in a couple of weeks—Friday and Saturday, but not Sunday. Maybe I’ll see some of you there? It’s a really nice convention. You should come!
Meanwhile, the Boskone folks just posted a mini-interview with me on their blog: