Audiobooks for Reefs and Crucible!

Crucible of Time audiobook coverAudiobooks of The Reefs of Time and Crucible of Time have hit the ground with a hop, skip, and a twist. The narrations by Stefan Rudnicki have been finished for a while now. But their appearance in stores has been erratic and slow. A glitch at Findaway tripped up the distribution of Reefs, which should have been out a month ago—but it’s now finally appeared in a handful of stores. Unfortunately, Audible is not yet one of them. Lon-n-ng review times (caused by a flood of new submissions) have caused delays for both books in getting into Audible and Amazon.

Crucible was actually the first to make it through to the first stores, even though it was the second to be recorded and uploaded. But Reefs is catching up. Right now you can get them both at Apple, Scribd, Google Play, Kobo, Chirp, and eStories. I hope to see both of them in all the stores before too much longer. For continually updated purchase links, see my Audiobooks page.

In the meantime, I’m pleased to report that my new audiobooks really are finding an audience. Keep spreading the word for me, okay?

Addendum: Crucible just showed up in the Nook store, and they’re selling it for 25% off. In fact, they have the whole series discounted. Go, Nook! (Reefs is now there, too.)

Breaking news: Reefs is now available in the Audible store, as well as Amazon! See my Audiobooks page.


Psychedelic Thursday: Way Better than Black Friday

Cover for The Reefs of Time - Chaos ChroniclesYou know what makes a great gift? Books! Books books books! Get that Christmas and Hanukah shopping done ahead of time for once! I even have a suggestion for books you could give: The Reefs of Time and Crucible of Time! It’s a no-brainer, when you think about it.

For the valued reader in your circle, you could order the trade paperback editions. For the truly discerning, hardcovers may be the best choice.

In the old days, I used to sell autographed copies myself by mail. But that was before all the states got compulsive about collecting sales tax, and it became unworkable. So, if you’d like your copies autographed, the best way is to bring them to a con and ask me to sign them in person. That’s so much nicer, anyway.


Cover for Crucible of Time - Chaos ChroniclesIf you use these purchase links, I’ll get a little something extra in the way of referral fees:

The Reefs of Timepaperback | hardcover

Crucible of Timepaperback | hardcover

Your gift recipients will thank you, and so will I.


P.S. If you’d rather give other print volumes in the series, here are some other options:
Neptune Crossing | Strange Attractors | The Infinite Sea

Crucible Bursts into Life!

Crucible of Time by Jeffrey A. Carver

At last, Crucible of Time is now live and burning a hole in pockets everywhere fine ebooks are found! And many of the places fine paper books are found, as well! If you’re just tuning in, Crucible of Time is the second half of the story begun in The Reefs of Time, bringing The Chaos Chronicles one giant leap closer to completion.

You may have heard that the new Margaret Atwood book, The Testaments (a sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale), is also being published today! I am honored that Ms. Atwood’s publisher decided to join me in picking Sept. 10 as a good day to die—I mean, as a good day to publish. If modesty didn’t forbid it, I would note that perhaps they were riding my coattails just a little… yes, I’m sure that’s it. Well, I’m happy to give them a boost; it’s undoubtedly a fine book, too.

But back to burning a hole in your pocketses, may I suggest, plead, cajole, that you tell everyone you know about Crucible? Ask your local library to order a copy? Suggest that your brick-and-mortar neighborhood bookstore order it? Stock up on copies to give for Christmas and other holidays? Turn your loved ones into book addicts—I mean, onto a good read? Yes?

It’s in hardcover, paperback, and ebook. (The hardcover is loose in the wild, but it may take a few days to show up in listings. I’m still waiting for my own copies to arrive.)

To buy your copy, start here. You guys are the best!

Microsoft, You Shall Not Pass!

Microsoft, suspected agent of Morgoth, once more hosed my laptop with a major Windows update. What is with this company? Don’t they test their frickin’ software before they frickin’ release it? Apparently not. But the good rings have saved me! A full disk backup from April restored the usability of my computer, and Dropbox and Microsoft’s own One Drive saved my data. (Let me tell you, though, restoring my inbox to its former glory was no fun. (I still have about 5000 unwanted emails to delete. The backup service on that saved too much.)

We will prevail against the forces of darkness!

Tomorrow, Crucible of Time goes live!