Holiday Book Sale!

To celebrate the holidays, I’m joining with other Backlist eBooks authors in a huge $.99 holiday sale on selected ebooks in the Kindle and Nook stores, from right now through January 8! I decided—about half an hour ago—which book to put on sale. I’m going with Dragon Space: A Star Rigger Omnibus, regularly $6.99 for two novels in one: Dragons in the Stars and Dragon Rigger. That’s right; I’ve knocked the price back from $6.99 to $.99, from right now through the first week in January, plus a day. (Or, to put it another way, until two days after Three Kings Day.) If you like dragons, and if you like fantasy or science fiction, now’s your chance. It’s also easy now to give ebooks as gifts from both the Kindle and Nook stores. (This sale is limited to those two stores.) 

These books are actually personal favorites of mine. They’ve had some trouble finding their audience, so I thought I’d take a deep breath and help them along. And by the way, I’m pleased to report that sales of The Chaos Chronicles have picked up quite nicely in response to my making the first book, Neptune Crossing, free. I guess people are trying it, and liking it! I hope the same will happen with Dragon Space, which you can see here on the Backlist eBooks page.

By the way, in case I don’t get another post out before Christmas, best wishes to everyone for the holidays: Hanukah, Christmas, Solstice, anything you may celebrate. Enjoy it with people you love!

Tales from the Backlist

If you like short stories and variety in your reading, give this book a try. It’s a collection of short fiction by nineteen authors representing various genres, including science fiction, fantasy, mystery, contemporary romance, regency romance, and probably a couple of others I’ve forgotten.

What these authors have in common is that they (we) are all members of Backlist eBooks, a collection of widely published authors in all genres who are bringing our previously published, out-of-print books back into circulation through self-published ebooks. The group includes bestselling authors and winners of many literary awards, including the Hugo, Nebula, and Rita awards. To help make ourselves better known, we’ve released Tales from the Backlist, filled with (appropriately enough) backlist short stories.

Tales is now on sale in the Kindle and Nook stores, and Smashwords, in DRM-free editions. Soon it will be in the Sony, Apple, Kobo, and Diesel stores. (No matter what kind of reader you have, or none at all, you can get a format that works for you from Smashwords.)

For a limited time only, the regular price of $3.99 has been knocked down to just $.99 at all stores.  Check it out at, where you’ll find purchase links for the store of your choice.

More International Ebook News

posted in: ebooks, publishing, Sunborn 0

E-reads, publisher of  nine of my backlist novels, recently announced a huge joint venture with Gollancz of England to add many of their SF titles to the Gollancz ebook list—something like 400 titles. Gollancz has long been one of the premier publishers of SF in the British market, and this will further enrich their list even while it offers a new look and imprint to the E-reads books. The hope, of course, is that this will also boost UK sales for the books being added to the Gollancz list. 

Because my own E-reads books (From a Changeling Star [nice plug at E-reads], Down the Stream of Stars, The Rapture Effect, and six others) are a part of this deal, I’m also hoping that this will help those books find a new audience among the British readers. 

On another front, my own Starstream Publications edition of Sunborn finally has its finished cover, which you will see on the World Edition on sale in Kindle UK/DE/FR, in the iTunes store outside the U.S., and at Smashwords, where it’s offered to non-U.S. readers. (Inside the U.S., the Tor edition is the one to look for, available pretty much everywhere else.)

Here’s the cover Pat Ryan created for me:

And here are some links to help my friends outside the U.S. find it:
iTunes: Canada | UK | Germany | France | Australia

(For some stupid reason it’s not on my author pages in the international
iTunes stores. But those links will get you to it.)

Sunborn World Edition (epub) — At Last!

posted in: ebooks, publishing, Sunborn 0

This has really been a long time coming. If you’re outside the U.S., you can now get a legit ebook of Sunborn, the fourth book in The Chaos Chronicles, in epub format. I got the Kindle version up in the Kindle UK | Kindle DE | Kindle FR stores a few weeks ago, but the epub version (for Nook, Sony, Stanza, iBooks, and a plethora of other platforms) has finally hit the stores. It’s been approved in the Apple iTunes stores in Canada, Australia, the UK, France, and Germany, in DRM-free editions. You can also get it from Smashwords, though I’m contractually obligated to say: If you’re in the U.S., you should buy the Tor edition instead, available from the usual outlets.

Edit: Here are links to Sunborn in the iTunes international stores: 

Edit: the above cover was the placeholder until the final cover was done.  Here’s the new cover:

Neptune Crossing Highlighted at Ereader News Today

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I got a nice plug from a site called Ereader News Today, which highlights books in the Kindle store. Looks like another good place to keep an eye on ebook deals.

Anyone who’d like to help give me a boost could go there and “like” it, or whatever. (This Facebook “like” business makes me shake my head like some old-timer going, “What are these crazy kids up to now?” I have to admit. But it does seem to help generate a buzz. So if you’re inclined to do that, I’d appreciate the “buzz.”) Thanks!

Sunborn World Edition in Kindle UK/DE!

International readers! You can now buy Sunborn (The Chaos Chronicles #4) in Kindle format outside the U.S.! This has been a long time coming, and it’s mostly my fault, because I didn’t realize for a long time that Tor only had U.S. ebook rights. Anyway, I’ve put a lot of time into trying to make sure everything is right in this ebook version. (If you find any typos, please let me know.)

You can get it now in the Amazon UK store and in the Amazon Germany store.

(Hmm. I just discovered that Tor has a Kindle edition in the German store. That’s a mistake and should be coming down soon, as Tor doesn’t have rights in that geographical area. You should buy the Tor edition in the U.S. and the Starstream version outside the U.S.)

This cover is temporary, by the way, until my crack designer can get to doing a more polished version.

This Starstream edition is DRM-free, and readers of other formats are welcome to convert it to suit their needs. (Calibre is an excellent free program for converting formats and much more.)

An ePub version is coming soon to the Apple store, and that will also be DRM-free.

July Star Rigger Sale

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Let the fireworks begin! It’s July 4th, so I’m taking one-fourth off the price of Dragon Space: A Star Rigger Omnibus, and its fellow star rigger novel, Eternity’s End! The following coupons will get you the discounted prices at Smashwords, where you can download multiple formats, including .mobi for the Kindle and .epub for just about every other reader, including the Nook and Sony. The coupons are good at Smashwords for all of July. You paste them in at checkout.

25% off code: GL94N

25% off code: LR24X

Many of my fellow Backlist Ebooks authors are also advertising books at great prices. Edit: You can see a list of some of them by clicking Comments under the Smashwords thread here.

Sunborn — World Edition Ebook

posted in: ebooks, publishing, Sunborn 0

I’ve known for a while that folks outside the U.S. have been unable to buy the Sunborn ebook, at least in the Kindle store. All this time, I thought it was a glitch at Tor. Turns out it was a glitch here at the Starrigger Ranch. It seems Tor only holds U.S. ebook rights. This discovery has caused yet another flurry of consternation and ebook production here at Starrigger Central, as I gear up to publish an international edition, for readers in the rest of the world.

This involves several steps:

  1. Preparing the actual ebook. (I can’t just put up the Tor-designed ebook, and I’ve learned a lot about formatting since I put up the free edition, a couple of years ago. So there’s work involved.)
  2. Preparing a cover. My designer, Pat, is booked up until mid-August. I don’t want to wait that long to release the world edition, so we’ll have a temporary cover until then.
  3. Figuring out where to publish it. There’s Amazon.UK and Amazon.DE for the Kindle editions. But the ePub version is trickier, especially if I have to block sales in the U.S. I’m exploring some options right now.

That said, I hope to have it up in a couple of weeks. So if you’re outside the U.S., and you’ve read the first three Chaos books and have been wondering why the hell you can’t buy the fourth, please be patient just a little longer!

Starrigger HQ out.

Excerpt of Eternity’s End at Marsha Canham’s Blog

posted in: ebooks, science fiction 0

Speaking of Eternity’s End, I’m about three days late in noting here that I, or rather Eternity’s End, am part of Marsha Canham’s Sunday Sampler, with an excerpt from EE. Marsha wanted an excerpt not found elsewhere online, one that would convey a sense of the book in a fairly short sample. After much cogitation, I decided on the scene that leads into a hot romantic encounter between star rigger Legroeder and the sexy but dangerous lady pirate, Tracy-Ace/Alfa. Complete with cyber-implants. Read it here.

Eternity’s End — Corrected Edition

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If you bought a copy of the ebook of Eternity’s End prior to May 25 or so, you may want to download a fresh copy from wherever you bought it. I discovered, belatedly, that some of the text formatting had gotten lost in the final preparation for this newest ebook edition. Mostly, this consisted of italics that were lost. But there was a lot of it, erratically sprinkled through the book. And because this is a Star Rigger book and communication between riggers is denoted by italics, these was an egregious error that brought quite a tongue-lashing, by me, down on the hapless production people (also me), who then went through the whole blasted book again, comparing the e-text to the printed edition. The production department has promised not to let this happen again. Also, we’re sorry. 

I think most stores will allow a fresh download without hassle. But if you have trouble, please drop me a line and tell me where you bought it and in what format, and I’ll get a corrected copy to you right away.  You can always reach me at jeff at-thingy starrigger point net

(If you downloaded the book during the free period prior to this year, your copy shouldn’t have this problem. It was during the reformatting for Smashwords, Kindle, and Nook that the devious little gremlin crept in unnoticed, as gremlins are wont to do.)