Rig in the New Year with the Big Guys

Our New Year celebration was pretty low key. “Hey, look, it’s 1 a.m.—Happy New Year.” But I do have something to wish you all Happy New Year with: Dragon Rigger, in a wonderful new audiobook production from my friends at Skyboat Media, Stefan Rudnicki and Gabrielle de Cuir. It’s a rich and evocative depiction of the dragon realm, way out there in the hyperspace of the Flux. Short of being adapted by Spielberg with a score by John Williams, this is the best way I can think of to enjoy a book I’m proud to have written.

You can get it at Audible, Chirp, and lots of other places. Please take a look. Share it with a friend!

Merry Christmas!

posted in: holiday greetings 3

Here’s wishing all my friends, everywhere, a joyous Christmas, Hanukkah, and other celebrations. May the season bring you peace and happiness, regardless of your creed, race, or nation of birth. I know it’s a long shot, making a wish like that. But if we don’t all offer that blessing, who will?

Here’s our tree and fireplace, and one of my favorite ornaments, Taz.

Happy New Year?

Covid. That’s how we started 2024. Allysen has it; most of the family has it. Jayce and I are the only two left standing, still testing negative—and feeling okay, if you don’t count the queasies from overeating over the holidays. No one is enjoying their virus, but also no one got deathly ill, and all are getting better. Jayce and I are grateful for the updated vaccine that may have helped protect us. Allysen is really annoyed to have lost her status as never having gotten Covid.

That’s not the best intro to a new year, so let’s start over.

Happy Three Kings Day, everyone!

Also, work has begun on building the new porch.

Merry Christmas 2023!

posted in: holiday greetings 1

I’m sending Kevin a day into the future to deliver these greetings early.

Kevin/Santa and all of us at the Carver Star Rigger Ranch wish all of you the very best Christmas and greetings of the season. Blessings, everyone! Grab a mug and stay toasty by the fire.

Happy Easter!

Easter roses

Happy Easter greetings to all of my friends and family! I hope you are gathered with people you love. And to my Jewish friends, belated wishes for a blessed Passover. And to those of you who are of neither persuasion, enjoy a gorgeous spring day! (Or autumn, depending on where on this big ball of wax you live.)

Allysen just set these roses out in our house.

Merry Christmas, 2021!

Wishing all of you the happiest of Christmases! It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? Time for some quiet contemplation and good cheer, whether you celebrate the birth of Jesus as we do, or simply a good time to gather with people you love. Wishing blessings on all of you! Here’s our simple hearth for this year. Make me feel warm just to sit in front of it.

By the way, thanks to all who have asked: Captain Jack is doing great, following the surgery on his jaw. He looks a little funny, but his energy and personality are back full strength!

Happy Fourth of July!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July, which in the U.S. is the celebration of the birth of our nation! Let’s celebrate it by keeping our democracy alive and healthy! That’s what I want for America’s birthday! I want truth to prevail. I want all citizens to have an equal right to vote and to obtain justice. I want—well, so many things—but let’s go with this: I want us to work together to fix global climate change, and not keep watching heat waves and wild fires and hurricanes get worse, year after year. Man, if we could just do those things together, it would be a fantastic birthday for America!

Happy Birthday, nation I love!

(We celebrated from down south in Puerto Rico, courtesy of the internet, by watching the Boston Pops live at Tanglewood. Here’s Mavis Staples, photo by Christiana Botic for the Boston Globe.)

2020 Screeches to a Close

A year ago, I posted that I fervently hoped 2020 would be a better year than 2019, which had been personally difficult. That, um, didn’t happen. At least not to the world and the nation. I’m not going to make that mistake again. In fact, I’m not even going to reflect on the obvious about 2020, as we head out to wherever the future takes us. I think I’d rather close with dancing robots and Christmas tree-eating goats.

The latest video from Boston Dynamics. I leave it to the viewer to decide whether it’s enchanting or terrifying. I find it a little of both.

And here, from the Boston Globe, the latest in Christmas tree recycling

BTW, I’m saving my real New Year celebration for January 20, when an actual president is sworn into the White House and a dangerous and incompetent fascist is shown the door, ending at least part of the nightmare. That’s when the new year starts for me.

Real December Finally Here

We’re getting our first real snowstorm of the year, as I write this. We’re deep into the night right now, and it looks like maybe 4-6 inches have fallen so far. Maybe it’s time for this year’s pictures of our Christmas trees. Here’s the one in front of the house. You can’t really see it from this angle, but I cut off so many branches close to the house (squirrel on-ramps, they were) that from a profile it almost looks like a bas-relief of a pine tree. Still, it works!

Tree out front, blue lights

That strange purple aura isn’t visible to the naked eye. At first I thought it was an artifact of my camera, but now I’m thinking—maybe, just maybe—it’s dark matter. Or maybe dark energy, hard to be sure.

And here’s our indoor tree, a little different this year. We didn’t go out and get a tree. Or rather, we did but we just went to the back yard and brought in a branch I’d pruned off the big oak tree. With fire in the, er, fireplace.

Indoor Christmas tree and "fireplace"

Happy ChristmaHanuKwanStice, everyone!

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