Family Reunion

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I was away for a while at a Sherrick reunion—that is to say, a gathering of many of my cousins on my mother’s side of the family, the Sherricks. It was great. I love my cousins, and I hadn’t seen a lot of them for many years, not since the then-patriarch of the family, their dad and my Uncle John, passed away ten years ago. There were a couple of spouses I had never met.

We all gathered in a beach house on the coast of North Carolina, close to where some of them are living now. Julia and I represented the Carver family, while Allysen stayed with the still-recovering-from-bike-crash Lexi. We got a lot of sun, surf, and good company. What a family of over-achievers. One, an agricultural economist, sits on Obama’s agriculture board and rebuilds houses in his spare time. One manages field development of products for a very large agricultural supply company. Several are teachers. One is recently retired after a career as head ranger at multiple national parks. That’s just a sampling, and that’s just in my own generation. The kids are scary smart.

So we talked and laughed, and lost sunglasses in the ocean, and played Cranium, and drank beer and margaritas. The leader types organized dinner teams, and each team planned in secret and created amazing dinner experiences. I didn’t cook, but I did my bit by making frozen margaritas.

Here I am, caught in a moment of scintillating conversation.

And here’s some of the crew trying to take an inflatable raft to sea. Yes, there are people on that raft. And probably one or two under it, at any given moment.

Is Some Club Reading My Book?

Most days I sell between zero and a few ebooks total in the Barnes and Noble Nook store, a steady drip-drip-drip of sales. (I do better, thankfully, in the Kindle store, and even better for some reason in the Kindle UK store. Still, even there, sales have lagged in the last month or so.) But the other day, there was an abrupt spike in the Nook store: 19 sales for the day, almost all of which were The Chaos Chronicles, Books 1-3. The next day was less, but still better than usual. What’s up with that? I wondered, marveling happily. (I should note that, for many writers, these numbers would be reason for scowling, not smiling. But I was smiling.)

I still wonder what was behind it, but my best guess is that some reading club has decided to try my Chaos books, and they all ordered from the Nook store and not the Kindle store or Book View Cafe (and I wouldn’t know about the Apple/Sony/Kobo stores, because reporting is slow there). Is this true? Does somebody know? Or is it just one of those unexplainable synchronicity things?

Everyone* in my vast organization wants to know. And we hope that all the rest of you will follow suit, or encourage someone else to.

*My wife, and me.

Life Takes a Hard Turn, Literally

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Monday I got the kind of text message you don’t want to get, from our daughter Lexi. “Hit by car. I’m okay, but going by ambulance to hospital.” !!! She was biking home from her lab when a car turning into a parking lot hit her and sent her flying.  She escaped without broken bones or head injury—pretty miraculous—but she has one badly banged up knee and one very badly banged up knee. After a full night in the ER, she came home on crutches and heavy painkillers. She’s camped out on the sofa now, moving as little as possible and awaiting a further doctor visit (today) and probably an MRI to find out the extent of her injuries. At best, large and nasty bruises. More likely, some ligament damage, and who knows what else.

We’ve been planning a trip to a family reunion, but now we’re holding off a bit longer on that, since we don’t know how soon she’ll be able to travel.

She’s had a steady stream of supportive friends coming to visit. At least we’re finally getting to meet some of her coworkers and friends! They’ve all been great—two of them hanging out in the ER for hours with us, and the rest coming to the house bringing food and flowers. If you have to be immobilized and in great pain, it’s good to have friends like hers.

Nature’s Reset Button

Amazing how the writing mind can bounce back with a little time away, and some exposure to nature.  The last two days have been great.  Here are a few pix I took of, and around, Quechee Gorge in Vermont.
That bridge you see way down is Vermont Rt. 4, but was originally the bridge for the Woodstock Railroad. 
Downstream of the gorge. 

Another shot downstream, but this one with accursed Japanese bamboo weed in the foreground.  I hope it hasn’t taken over by the next time I visit. 
Forest along the gorge.
This sculpture replicates the movement of an eagle’s wings when maneuvering in a steep bank prior to diving.   If you walk between the two bars and glide your hands along the metal with arms outstretched, your arms move in a reproduction of the eagle’s wing motion.
A cool wind sculpture near the nature center, caught in three different positions. 

And now I head home, with hopes that I can keep some of this lodged in my forebrain for a while.

After Bread Loaf, a Retreat

The New England Young Writers Conference at Bread Loaf was a tremendous success. It always is, but I’d been away from it for five years, and felt pretty rusty going in. Though I arrived frazzled, and was exhausted most of the time (we had a very busy workshop schedule), it was an enormously rewarding experience. This conference selects over two hundred talented and motivated high school-aged writers, and they were a wonderful bunch of kids. One of my students came all the way from Paris for the workshop—a half-French girl with an Aussie accent and a great sense of humor. Another turned out to be the son of a horror writer I once did a bunch of book signings with. As always in the past, I enjoyed getting to know the other writer-teachers (there were about twenty of us), who were of all stripes and genres, but all very friendly. And my reading of an excerpt from Neptune Crossing to the whole conference was very well received.

Allysen, meanwhile, put her foot down and said she wasn’t letting me come home until I’d taken a few days for myself. Thanks to her diligent research, I am now holed up at an inn near Woodstock, Vermont and Quechee Gorge. First goal, to rest and decompress. Second goal: start wrapping my head around The Reefs of Time again, and start finishing that sucker.

Off to Bread Loaf!

I’m leaving shortly for Vermont and the New England Young Writers Conference, where I’ll be one of a couple dozen writers of all types and genres working with high-school student writers. I’m returning after a five-year hiatus, and I’m hoping for it to be a good time.

We finished moving everything out of Allysen’s mother’s condo this week, and the closing for the sale went off yesterday. So that big job is behind us. Fay herself will arrive while I’m at the conference, and should be moved into her new place at the retirement village by the time I’m back.

See you next week!

Okay, I’m Back!

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Actually, I’ve been back for about a week—from Puerto Rico, that is. I flew down a few weeks ago (my last post was actually from P.R.) to help Allysen’s mom with the final packing, and—I thought—her move up to her new place here in Massachusetts. Well, the schedule was optimistic, so I returned, not with my mother-in-law, but with my dog-in-law, Diego. (Seen here meeting a Roomba for the first time.)

Diego and Captain Jack don’t get along too well (both see themselves very much as alpha dogs), but they’ve settled into an uneasy truce. Diego’s ward Fay now plans to move up in another week or so, which is how much longer Diego and Jack must get along. Meanwhile, Fay’s little condo here in Arlington sold quickly, so a more or less essential piece of this move has fallen into place. And we and the Landshark have been kept very busy moving stuff!

Hugh Howey on Self Publishing

By now, most people interested in books and publishing have heard of Hugh Howey, a self-published SF writer whose eighth (I think) book Wool hit gold and became a runaway bestseller in ebook. It made a millionaire of the author, and led in the course of time to an extraordinary print contract with a major New York publisher, in which the publisher offered a large six-figure advance for print rights only, allowing the author to continue to mine his own ebook rights to the tune of six figures monthly.

Wool cover
[Deep breath, and expel the envy. All together, now…]

Anyway, Hugh Howey writes on about his views of traditional versus self-publishing. It’s pretty interesting, although I don’t necessarily agree with everything he says. (For one thing, he doesn’t mention the role that traditional publishers play in helping writers, especially new writers, improve their craft and produce better books. Some say that that role is diminishing these days, but I think it really depends on the publisher and the editor.) Still, it’s hard to argue with Howey’s success.

I write this as I’m taking a break from working on my taxes, wherein I discover that I sort of seriously underestimated the effect my own improved ebook sales would have on my tax bottom line. Ow. I’m not remotely in the same universe as Howey, sales-wise. Nevertheless, last year was one of the best years I’ve  had in my modest career in terms of book income, and it was all from my backlist. The paradigms, they are a-shiftin’.

More Live Audiobooks!

Once again, I was surprised to discover that more of my books are up on!  Five Star Rigger books were released in February. That’s Panglor, Dragons in the Stars, Dragon Rigger, Star Rigger’s Way, and Seas of Ernathe—all of the Star Rigger books except Eternity’s End.

You can see the lot of them on my author page, or go straight to the individual titles.  I’m still working with the Audible people to get the descriptions corrected (Panglor has the wrong plot description altogether), and not all of the sample buttons are working. But the books are all available. They’re also for sale in the iTunes store.

The titles that went up in October are all listed now as being enabled for “Whispersync for voice,” which means if you have a Kindle edition you can switch back and forth between reading the ebook and listening to the audiobook without losing your place.

Panglor audiobook

Dragons in the Stars audiobook

Dragon Rigger audiobook

Star Rigger’s Way audiobook

Seas of Ernathe audiobook
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