And Home Again

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The world traveler is home, tired but happy. Great to see her. Great to have her back home. Not so glad to hear that she wants to go live in the Middle East. But never mind; we’ll cope with that later. For now, we’re just glad to have her safely home.

And what did the traveler bring us from Jordan? Go ahead, think about it; I’ll give you a minute. Ready?

Whatever you thought, that’s not it.  Here’s what she said was in the plastic bags I helped her carry from the car: mud. I haven’t seen it yet, but that’s what she said, and I believe it. Mud. I guess she wanted to bring a little piece of the Middle East home.

If any further understanding develops (on my part), I’ll be sure and pass it on.

Edit: Okay, it wasn’t a little piece of Jordan coming home with her, it was facial mud. Which she bought. (Don’t ask me. This is not a guy thing.)

Sand and Other Adventures, Part 2

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Another email from Lexi in Jordan, this one typed on a borrowed laptop, rather than a phone:

In addition to staggering around on donkeys and camels and getting supremely sunburned, I’ve been enjoying AMAZING food and extreme hospitality. Everyone here is very friendly (though not always the best kind of friendly), and eager to invite strangers in for tea/coffee. They don’t hesitate to talk to people (though there is obviously sort of an odd dynamic between men and women, because men have to initiate conversation). On the flip side of that, I try to avoid eye contact with men in the streets and often have to choose between being extremely rude (ignoring or glaring) and smiling back at what I gauge to be well-meaning friendliness. Aside from that, I feel very comfortable here. It feels like a place I could, maybe, actually live and work someday (Mom, don’t glare at me).

We’ve gone to see some pretty amazing ruins. Everything just looks ancient. The hills here look like crumbly mountains, layers of sandstone and rock strangely inlaid with the occasional patch of grass. They have “camel crossing” signs instead of deer crossings.
I’ve had some fun encounters with strangers, including the Bedouin camel owners who told me that they’ve seen pictures of their camels on Facebook (apparently they have a generator in those caves), and a middle-aged man selling scarves who showed me how to tie a hijab by demonstrating on himself (he was very amused as he wrapped the scarf around his head and indicated where to pin it; “Very good, right?”), and the time I wanted to buy some traditional Jordanian spices. (Forgetting just how little spices weigh, I bought half a kilo (!) and ended up with a truly enormous bag. No wonder the guy behind the counter gave me the look of, “You clearly have no idea what you’re asking for.” Yay for being an ignorant foreigner…)

I think that when I return home I will be very amused by the driving in Boston. While truly awful in comparison with the rest of the states, those of you from outside the U.S. know that it’s nothing compared to the rest of the world. People swerve all over the lanes, go backwards down the breakdown lanes (and sometimes the streets), and they often forget to put up signs to indicate speed bumps in the road (go from 100 km/h to 30 in about three seconds and see how you feel).

I still haven’t picked up much more Arabic than “thank you,” but that’s all right.

That’s all for now.

And that’s all for now from me, too. 

A Post from Jordan

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We got an email from Lexi, which she apparently typed on a borrowed cellphone! Here’s some of what she reported:

I’m in Jordan!!!! It’s day three and a half. I have hiked through Petra, survived driving illegally (there are speed bumps all over the highways here), had a ton of amazing food, met fantastic people, and visited some amazing things. For the sake of my thumbs, all I’ll comment on here is Petra.

As you might imagine if you’ve ever seen Indiana Jones, it’s breathtaking. We begin by walking through an enormous gorge called the Siq. It winds irregularly through the mountains, huge rock faces rearing up on either side. Everything is a burnt sandy color, except for the trees that sprout up here and there between the boulders. Some of the cliffs are rounded, some jagged, but they all have huge chunks gouged out of them, as though by some enormous animal. I feel tiny, walking past huge caves and the occasional (and gigantic) ruined temple entrance. Everything feels old, caked in a smorgasbord of mixed histories and religions. It speaks of something very enduring and rough, but striking in its beauty. (God is my favorite artist.)

On the way up, we rode donkeys. Much easier than riding a horse. But it turns out riding a donkey is extremely scary going downhill. Donkeys really like to walk near the edges of cliffs. On the way out, we also rode camels, a very weird experience. I wish I could babble all about the Bedouin, but I don’t have space here. I spent too long describing rocks, so this is what you get for now. And for those of you worried about my safety or who made me promise to be very careful, let me say that I have attracted as little attention as I could, not been called at in any serious way, and only had one or two very small adventures in my driving. I have worn make-up (some of you will be proud of me and others of you very confused by that), tried every exciting dish that was put in front of me, and learned one word of Arabic, which I use constantly: shukran (thank you). I miss you and hope you’re all having a wonderful start to spring!

It makes me want to be there!

On the Banks of the River Jordan

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Well, that’s poetic license, because I’m not sure if she’ll actually see the Jordan River—but my older daughter Lexi took off this afternoon for ten days in Jordan, traveling with some other folk from our church. They’ll be staying with families there, and hoping to meet and pray with some Muslim groups, and generally open some lines of conversation. I don’t know as many details as I would like, because, well, she’s twenty-two. She doesn’t exactly withhold information; she just doesn’t stop moving long enough to fill us in on everything. (I suspect other parents will know what I mean.) She’s traveling with one of the pastors of our church, a woman who has been to the Middle East several times, so that gives us some reassurance.

She was excited and nervous when she left. Allysen and I are awed, proud, and—yeah—a little nervous.

It runs in her blood. When she was fourteen, she traveled to Armenia with a local exchange group. Since then, she’s been to Mexico and Nicaragua. She gets it from her mom.

Edit: Got a text msg: “Safely in Amman.” Probably the last we’ll hear for a little while. 

Half a Roll of Duct Tape Later

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The dead mouse smell from the wall was just too much, so I took off some of the wood paneling (thank goodness for the junky old wood paneling we never got around to replacing!) and cut through the plaster and lathe in a few places. Not good. I found the place where the smell was coming from, but it was a small opening to an inaccessible space. All I did was improve the ventilation into the room. And meanwhile, we’ve got windows open and a fan running in February!

Today I had an inspiration. Why not see if I could rig an exhaust duct running from the wall opening to a window? It worked for Apollo 13 (sort of), didn’t it? Failure is not an option. So I bought a 20-foot length of flexible dryer duct and some extra duct tape. Also handy were some plastic sheeting and a “cone of shame” once used by one of our dogs after surgery. Here’s the result:


The dryer duct is stretched across the floor, which isn’t ideal, but who cares? That blob of plastic you see in the window is actually a powerful fan, with a big plastic cone and sheeting holding the duct tube in place. It works! Not perfectly, but we can close the other windows part way now, and actually stand to be in the rooms. Now we just have to wait for nature to finish the job. (Hurry. Hurry.)

Edit: It’s not working as well as I would like. The rooms are definitely better than before, but still not really a place you want to hang around in. And I still have to keep the windows open.  (With snow predicted for Wednesday.)

I picked up another window fan to exhaust the room air and draw in fresh from neighboring rooms with windows open. Unfortunately, the fan — one of those dual-fan units designed to fit in a window like an A/C — doesn’t really move that much air.  So… we’re still hanging out in the kitchen or the bedrooms or in my office.  But at least we don’t feel like we’re going to keel over if we accidentally breathe when we walk through the dining and living rooms.

Edit: Three weeks later. The smell is finally gone, except for the very occasional, very faint whiff.  I’ve put the walls back together.  Life returns to normal.  Thank God!

Dead Skunk in the Middle of…

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…the living room?

Almost. Something seems to have died in one of our living room walls. Mouse, probably. God, does it stink. We now have a fan running in the window 24 hours a day, venting the fumes. I forget how long it took to subside the last time this happened. A week? Two? I’m just grateful that we’re having mild weather, so while it’s driving up our heating bill, at least it’s not happening during a cold snap.

I’m starting to think “three strikes and you’re out” might be my new rule for rodents. First, mice chewed the spark plug wires in our car, to the tune of a few hundred bucks. Then the squirrels ate the wiring on our outdoor Christmas lights. Now this. I wonder if it died of insulation or copper poisoning.

I just hope it didn’t chew the house wiring before it died. Auggh. Now, there’s a thought.

Outstanding Psychologist

A little reflected glory here. On January 26, my brother Charles S. Carver received an award for distinguished contributions to the field of personality psychology. The Jack Block Award was given by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)—the largest organization of social and personality psychologists in the world—”in recognition of his research accomplishments over the past thirty years which have shaped modern personality psychology.” It was presented at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, in San Diego. The announcement didn’t say anything about his contributions to football spectatorship or beer appreciation, but I’m sure they were thinking it. (Photo by his lovely wife, Dr. Youngmee Kim.)

Well done!

Edit: You can read more about the award, and Chuck’s work, here.  

It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over

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Thought we were done, were we? No such luck. Today [now yesterday] I was feeling a strange pain in my chest all afternoon — not much of a pain, but enough to annoy me. In the evening it started to get a little more pronounced — still not particularly bad, but enough to make me think about chest pains… men who ignore chest pains, and then drop dead. I sat and took my pulse. 96. Well, that’s certainly a little high, isn’t it? I went and took an aspirin, just to be on the safe side, and then checked it again, several times. Still 96. Damn. Why so high? The pain felt a little stronger, and it felt more like tightness or pressure than muscular ache, and it was right over my heart. I asked myself: Which is stupider — to make a probably unnecessary trip to the hospital, or to ignore chest pain, when you know you have family history of heart disease? Allysen wasn’t home yet, and Alexandra was making dinner. Take me back to the hospital? I asked her with a sigh.

Then I thought about how long it can take to be seen if you just walk in, and I thought, the EMTs can make a better evaluation of this than me, and the pain was still there, so… Deep breath. I called 911. They were there in three minutes flat, sirens wailing. And soon I was on my way back to the hospital.

Have you ever seen the Star Trek: Next Gen episode where the Enterprise is caught in a time loop, and each iteration is just a little different? (I recently saw part of a sitcom that took off on the same idea.) Well, that’s what it feels like to sit in the ER, with someone new coming in every forty minutes or so. Sometimes the new guy is a fresh-faced doctor (or doctorish person) the age of Doogie Howser, and sometimes it’s an Indian fellow, and sometimes it’s a guy who looks like you might look if you were a doctor — and each new person starts with, “So, can you tell me what brought you in here tonight?” I swear, it makes me want to record my story and just hit Playback each time.

As I type this, I’m sitting here in my ER room, waiting to be moved to a room upstairs. They’re keeping me overnight, so they can repeat some enzyme tests every six hours, because it turns out that the tests that show heart damage become more accurate over time. The most likely scenario is that the pain was caused by inflammation from the pneumonia, and that my heart is fine. But the only way to be sure is to follow up with these blood tests.

I have a feeling I won’t be getting much sleep tonight [I didn’t]. Pray I don’t catch some godawful bug while I’m here.

I’m glad I got some writing done this afternoon!

* * *

I wrote the above on my tablet while in the hospital. I’m home now. The blood work was fine; they woke me at 7:30 for a treadmill stress test, and that was fine. By about noon someone finally signed off on it, and I got to leave. Still with the chest pain, by the way, which is either a side effect from the pneumonia or a pulled muscle from coughing too exuberantly.

It was hard not to feel a little silly about it all. But as the lady who administered the stress test said to me, Would you rather have been like my neighbor, who refused to go to the hospital after his wife called 911, and later that evening dropped dead of a heart attack? I guess not, when you put it that way.

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