I probably ought to let people know where I’m going to be appearing in the near future. (Other than at the supermarket, I mean.) It sort of defeats the publicity angle if I don’t let anyone know.
This coming weekend, I’ll be at a small convention called Vericon, held at Harvard University, in Cambridge, Mass. In conjunction with that, I’ll be signing books at the Harvard Bookstore in Harvard Square. (Saturday Jan. 27, at 1:00 p.m.) According the schedule, I’ll be signing along with Marie Brennan. I don’t know her, so this will be a chance to make a new acquaintance.
The weekend of Feb. 16-18, I’ll be at Boskone, New England’s largest regional convention. That’s in Boston, at the Westin Waterfront. I don’t know my schedule there yet.
Starting on March 19, I’ll be teaming up once more with Craig Shaw Gardner to teach “The Ultimate SF Workshop,” in the basement of Pandemonium Books and Games, in Cambridge. It’s a 10-week intensive workshop for people who are really serious about learning the craft of SF writing. We ran our first workshop last fall, and it was very successful. Terrific group of writers, many of whom I definitely expect to see in print one day soon.
In April, during the school spring break, we’re hoping to run a workshop strictly for teens. More on that later.
The weekend of May 11-13, tentatively, maybe, if I can afford New York City prices, I’ll join a horde of other writers, editors, agents, etc., for the Nebula Awards weekend.
Later in May, I’ll be teaching for the second year at the New England Young Writers Conference, at Bread Loaf in Vermont.
In July, I plan to be at Readercon, near Boston.
You know, I’d better put all this information up on my web site right now while I’m thinking of it. Excuse me while I go fire up Dreamweaver….