Way Cool Astronomical Images

I’m just poking my head up long enough to point you all toward a couple of images that took my breath away (from Astronomy Picture of the Day):

  • In the shadow of Saturn, from Cassini
  • Orion Deep Field, including both the Horsehead and Orion Nebulas
  • Hubble view of the Great Orion Nebula (M42)

    That last one is the most beautiful view I’ve ever seen of where my motley crew of Bandicut, Antares, Ik, Li-Jared, and various robots are at this very moment. They’ve just crossed from left to center toward the Trapezium, a tight cluster of four bright stars right in the whitest heart of the nebula. That’s where they are, wondering what in the world they were thinking. Here’s the Trapezium in infrared.

And now I must get back to them.

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